Westfield Capital Management utilizes fundamental, bottom-up research to drive the investment process.


The Investment Committee covers research vertically by industry group, with overlapping coverage in each traditional growth area of the market.

Each member of our Investment Committee follows several industries using a broad information network that includes company managements, suppliers, users, competitors and Wall Street sources to identify and evaluate companies capable of providing consistently high or accelerating earnings growth. Research candidates may also be identified through screens covering a broad universe of securities. Prospective investments are evaluated on a stock-by-stock basis in terms of earnings power and growth, quality, value and relative price.

Visits with company management teams are an integral part of the research process and create our competitive edge. The combination of our size, organizational structure and the depth of experience shared by our investment team provide our clients with a significant research advantage. Westfield is large enough to fund in-house research, yet we have been able to remain nimble and responsive to market conditions and client needs. 

*The investment themes discussed in the above video were based on Westfield Capital Management's current view of market trends and is subject to change.  There can be no assurance that any trends will continue and there can be no assurance that any themes will ultimately lead to positive performance.  
Clients listed here were chosen as generally representative of the types of clients that comprise Westfield Capital Management's institutional client base and were not chosen based on performance-based criteria.
It is not known whether these clients approve or disapprove of the adviser or the advisory services provided